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  • Katskiļu Nometne 231 Green Hill Road Elka Park, New York 12427 United States (map)

Did you miss Rudens Svētki? Were you not able to make it to Bostonas Kongress? Can’t fit LV100 New Year's Eve Bash into your schedule (or maybe you can and you just haven’t signed up yet - you still have time!)?

Well look no further, Jauniešu Diena 2019 will be held February 15-17!!! Mark your calendars and book your rooms, they’re expected to go quick!

Registration link:

Dienas Kārtība / Schedule:

Piektdiena / Friday (February 15th):
8:00 pm - Reģistrācija / Registration
Saviesīgais Vakars / Meet and Greet

10:00 pm - Mīlestība Trivia / "Guess That Love Song"

Sestdiena / Saturday (February 16th):
10:00 am - Begeiļem brokastis / Bagel breakfast spread in Atpūtas Nams ēdamzāle.

11:00 am - Pīrāgi cepšana / Pīrāgi baking - Meet at Atpūtas Nams ēdamzāle to make everyone’s favorite Latvian treat, pīrāgi! Please note that space is limited and it’s first come first serve, sign up in the registration link above. (This activity will be an additional $5 to cover the supplies cost).

1:00 - 4:00 pm - Atkritēju medības / Scavenger hunt - Remember your favorite rainy day camp activity? Well we’ve kicked it up a notch! Meet outside Atpūtas Nams where you’ll be split into groups to collect/document various items around nometne.

6:30pm - Vakariņas / Dinner

9:00pm - 90s Apres Ski Balle - Break out your old snow gear and come party in Atpūtas Nams basement Looking for outfit inspiration? Reach out to Nicole LaFonte for a great family photo.

Svētdiena / Sunday (February 17th):
Atvadīšanās / Check Out - Please find Helēna, Natalie or Olivia in order to check out of your room and get your deposit back.

(Contact us if you're willing to help with clean up!)

Cenu / Pricing (not including the $20 deposit)
$50 - All weekend activities, beginning Friday night
$35 - Saturday morning arrival
$25 - Saturday evening arrival

We’re accepting either cash or venmo payments which can be sent to @okkoerner. ALJA members receive $5 off ticket prices!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.

Room information:

For room reservations, please contact Helēna Puksta (518-589-4167 or for rooms at Atpūtas Nams which are available at $62/night. Please note that you must be 18 or older to reserve a room and only cash/check are accepted. Checks can be made out to: Latvian Ev. Lut. Church of N.Y.

*** Payment upon arrival for rooms is preferred ***

In order to make sure the grounds and places to stay around Nometne are kept nice and clean for future use we will be adding a $20 deposit to ticket prices. The deposit will be returned to you upon room inspection at check out!

Earlier Event: February 2
Later Event: February 24